FAST Transit 
Development Plan Update

Fayetteville Area System of Transit (FAST) is the primary transit provider for the City of Fayetteville. It operates a network of 18 fixed routes, as well as a para-transit service. The service area encompasses 95 square miles and has a service area population of approximately 150,300. The previous update to the Transportation Development Plan (TDP) was completed in 2014. The Plan provided a phased set of service, capital and management recommendations for short-term, mid-term and long-term improvements. Improvements instituted to date have resulted in significant increases in ridership and revenues.

The current update process will explore improvements to the plan based on data analysis, changes in land use and development trends, and public input. Recommendations will be made in alignment with FAST’s priorities for safety, convenience, accessibility, equity, sustainability, and increasing ridership among choice riders. Priority will also be given to improving connectivity to nearby Fort Bragg. Cincar Consulting Group, LLC (C2G) is a sub-consultant to VHB.

C2G is supporting the following:
  • Needs Analysis
  • Equity Assessment
  • First/Last Mile Recommendations
  • Stakeholder Engagement

Arron Davis

Strategic Planning
Community Engagement
Equity Assessment

key staff

Project Facts

Fayetteville Area System of Transit (FAST)


City of Fayetteville, North Carolina



key staff

Project Facts

Strategic Planning
Community Engagement
Equity Assessment


City of Fayetteville


Fayetteville Area System of Transit (FAST)


Arron Davis