Blue Water 
Bridge Plaza Expansion

The Blue Water Bridge is the fourth busiest crossing between the U.S. and Canada, and the second busiest truck crossing between the two countries. Changes to the plaza are needed to: improve border processing and reduce congestion, accommodate projected traffic growth through 2030 and improve access between Port Huron and the plaza. This project will also determine changes to the I-94/I-69 corridor that improve traffic weaving movements east and west of the Water Street Interchange and accommodate projected 2030 traffic growth.  

Cincar Consulting Group, LLC (C2G) staff are responsible for the traffic operations modeling of M-25 from Sanborn Street to 10th Avenue, 10th Avenue from M-25 to Hancock Street and the Water Street interchange. C2G will also be assisting with the development and analysis of maintenance of traffic concepts using the MDOT WZSMM. Cross section typicals and CO3 delays will be prepared. 

C2G will also support the team with utility coordination by maintaining an up-to-date utility conflict matrix, coordinating conflicts, and facilitating meetings with utility owners and the design team.  

C2G staff are leading the stakeholder engagement process and meetings, as the planning and environmental documents are finalized. C2G is assisting MDOT by creating agendas and will work with the team on the presentation materials for all stakeholder engagement. C2G will coordinate with MDOT communications on meeting advertisement and will participate at public meetings. 

C2G is providing support to the following:
  • Traffic Capacity Modeling (Synchro)
  • Plaza Alternative Development
  • Maintenance of Traffic Schemes
  • Public Engagement
  • Utility Coordination 

Barbara Arens, PE, PTOE

Traffic Engineering
Design & Engineering
Stakeholder Engagement

key staff

Project Facts

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)


Port Huron, MI



Lauren Warren, PE, PTOE, PMP

Dena Berrios

Dena Berrios

key staff

Project Facts

Traffic Engineering
Design & Engineering
Stakeholder Engagement


Port Huron, MI


Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)


Barbara Arens,

Lauren Warren, PE, PTOE, PMP